Top 10 Mistakes Managers Commit

Top 10 Mistakes Managers Commit

#1. Making Unlawful Pre-employment InquiriesThat’s an interesting accent you have. Where were you born?Do you have any children? If so, will you have any daycare problems?Action: Watch inappropriate questions during interviews and other pre-employment contexts.  When...
What is Cultural Intelligence?

What is Cultural Intelligence?

Cultural intelligence: an outsider’s seemingly natural ability to interpret someone’s unfamiliar and ambiguous gestures the way that person’s compatriots would (Earley & Mosakowski, 2004).

Companies also have cultures that are often distinctive.  Employees learn how to decipher the cultural code of their company over time through historical stories, environmental clues, geographic regions, meetings, etc.   Organizational departments can also have their unique culture as well.

“Cultural intelligence is related to emotional intelligence, but it picks up where emotional intelligence leaves off. A person with high emotional intelligence grasps what makes us human and at the same time what makes each of us different from one another. A person with high cultural intelligence can somehow comprehend a person’s or group’s behavior those features that would be true of all people and all groups, those peculiar to this person or this group, and those that are neither universal nor idiosyncratic (Earley & Masakowski, 2004)”. One critical element that cultural intelligence and emotional intelligence do share is, in psychologist Daniel Goleman’s words, “a propensity to suspend judgment—to think before acting.” People who are somewhat detached from their culture can more easily adopt the mores and even the body language of an unfamiliar host.