Last month I was invited to Chicago to present to the Utility Line Clearance Coalition on how to retain, train, and engage a Hispanic Workforce. The ULCC represents 90% of all line clearance tree trimmers; they focus on safety and best practices for all tree trimming companies in the United States.

As you might suspect, most of their employees are Hispanic and they were looking for tips on how to increase safety for their Hispanic workforce. Did you know in 2002 OSHA reported 15% of all workplace deaths were Hispanic?

Safety and much more was covered in my presentation and will be used to train their supervisors. Here is an outline of the training covered; if you are interested in this specialized training for your supervisors and managers please contact me.

* Hispanic vs. Latino – which is correct?
* Hispanization of America
* Latino Values, Needs and Expectations
* Expectations of Employers
* Recruitment Strategies
* Performance & Employee Cultural Considerations
* Rewards and Motivation
* Unionization and Employee Relations
* Overcoming Communication Barriers

Here are some specific things YOU should be aware of when communicating with your Hispanic employees and contractors.

Meeting Situations Some Hispanic cultures require you to greet and say goodbye to everyone in the group before exiting a room or meeting.
Eye Contact Mexicans and some Central Americans look down/away to show respect. South Americans will look in the eye but it is rude to stare.
Body Language Sitting close is okay. Never pat on the head.

It is bad manners to slouch, lean, or plop into a chair.

Social Expectations Social expectations hold a higher priority than salary so be flexible with family-related benefits like time off and Hispanic holidays.

If you have questions about how to work best with your workforce please don’t hesitate to give me a call.