Unemployment Benefits Extended!

President Obama approved the extension of Unemployment Benefits an extra 14 weeks of benefits in states with unemployment rates less than 8.5% and an extra 20 weeks in states with unemployment rates above 8.5%. Any individual whose benefits have expired will be...

November is American Diabetes Month®

The shocking reality: Diabetes is the 5th largest killer disease and there is no cure. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), nearly 8% of the U.S. population (23.6 million people) have diabetes. The most startling statistic is that about 5.7 million of...
2009 Luna Awards

2009 Luna Awards

Congratulations to the winners of the 2009 Luna Awards! This coveted award is for women who provide services to the construction industry. The Regional Hispanic Contractors Association had their annual award luncheon on October 15th at the beautiful Omni Mandalay...