If you answer “no” to any of the questions below, review the termination carefully.
1. Have the violations been thoroughly documented and investigated?
2. Are there facts to support the discharge?
3. Has the employee been told discharge is the next step in the process?
4. Is the violation so serious that it requires immediate discharge?
5. Do employee handbooks clearly state that an employee can be discharged for this violation?
6. Does the employee know the appropriate rule and penalty they violated?
7. Has there been a serious, documented effort to help the employee correct the behavior or performance?
8. Have other employees been discharged for the same violation?
9. Has the employee received a fair hearing to their side of the story.
10. Has this employee gotten away with the same violation in the past?
11. Has the employee experienced any retaliation from other employees or management?
12. Has the employee been treated fairly?

Before you terminate an employee check with an HR Professional!

Reference: BLR HR Daily Advisor 6/16/2009. Termination Lawsuit Risks Reduced? Check!